Monday, August 14, 2006

I am now back on Canadian soil. It's strange because everything in Guelph is so much the same that I can see how it will be easy to feel like the last year was some wonderful imaginary story that I made up. It is sort of nice to be in such familiar territory though, and of course amazing to see those I've missed the past year.

I shall return to my regular scheduled programming on my other blog. You can read about my relatively boring day-to-day life. That is until I head off somewhere else. Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Well it seems at if there is quite a terrorist scare in airports in the UK at the moment. Apparently there was a ploy to blow up some transatlantic flights and kill tons of people with materials smuggled in hand luggage. Security at all airports in the UK has been tightened a lot and they say that delays are reported. The threat level has been listed as critical, which the BBC this morning said was the highest possible. Scary for a couple reasons. Firstly, well it's just general the-world-is-messed scary. But secondly - I want to be able to come home tomorrow! And not have a fear of being blown up! I'm sure it will be fine but the BBC did say it may last 2 days. No hand luggage at all is allowed. Oi. We shall see how the day goes.

In happier news, my boss said I can leave early today! Since he got a little concerned when I told him I havn't started packing. Supposed to do that last night but ended up drinking instead with some friends from the beginning of my time in Scotland. Was nice to see them. Worth the hangover today. When will I ever learn?

I will be in Guelph this time on Sat. Oh my good god. I think I said this same thing when coming here. Strange.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Well looks as if I am going to be bringing a Scottish cold home with me. Just my luck. Ha ha. I think I got to excited about my last few weeks and coming home. Plus there is a girl coughing up a storm in the desk across from me. Bah! Red-nosed and puffy eyes Emily coming your way.

Got an exciting few days coming up. This weekend we're taking a road trip (in a car! - I know it's dorky but I never get to ride in one anymore) to Hadrian's Wall and Newcastle and such. Just a day out but I wanted to get down there before I left. Going to a comedy show at the festival, hitting up the Botanical gardens, getting my hair cut, potentially a tiny bit of shopping; all sorts of excitement.

It was one of my flatmates birthday last night so we went out to Monster Mash, which has the best bangers and mash around. We all ate so much we wanted to be ill.

Apparently I have to train a girl to take over my job (since they like me so much - ha ha). Two whole days. What the hell am I going to tell her? I spend most of my time wasting time (as shown by this post). I mean there are a lot of things to know, but that would take a morning. Not 2 days. Perhaps I'll make her do my boring filing.

Oh I just got my teaching placement for teachers college. I'm in Guelph! And sort of downtown (Laurine Ave) so I can ride my bike! The class is grades 1/2 which is pretty young and not exactly what I wanted but I'm still excited.

Monday, July 31, 2006

What a nice weekend. Fitting for my second last one here. The jazz festival started on Friday so there were all sorts of events happening around the city. Saturday afternoon we watched a Mardi Gras parade from the window, and Sunday afternoon we went to the bandstand at Princes St gardens and enjoyed an afternoon of free jazz concerts in the sun. Jen and I have burned noses to prove it. It's a good time to be in the city, however not the best time to live in a flat above a busy bar and street. I was woken up in the middle of the night by a drunk girl crying hysterically.

Speaking of our flat, we have our very own, ugly naked guy. No jokes! He is at the top of the building across the street from us. He stands in his window and washes himself at the sink (naked of course). Luckily for us, there are a bunch of bottles lining the window ledge that are placed quite nicely. Sarah even saw him doing ugly-naked medicine ball exercises yesterday. We are sorry for her loss.

Going to hit up a few comedy shows this week as the fringe festival has all it's previews. So far I've had good experience with British comedy.

And I JUST told my boss I was leaving in 11 days. He was very nice about it (I also baked him cookies) and I feel loads better. I was having nervous stomach on the weekend. Now I think I'm just excited. This city has treated me well, I love it and will miss it, but I am excited beyond belief to be going home.

Friday, July 28, 2006

I have an invisible hangover hat on my head this morning. Unfortunately I thought that going out for drinks instead of eating supper last night was a good idea. Oops. Sarah forced her patented concoction of pills (I'm not allowed to tell you the recipe)down on me because otherwise today would have been much worse. Too bad I don't have Mac here to switch hats with me (yes I realize no one will get that but that is why you should ALL go out and download Series 1 of Green Wing - not series 2 because you might accidentally tell me what happens).

Nothing travel related to report at the moment, since I am just on the brink of coming home. Going to Newcastle next weekend to get a last little trip in before Canada. 14 days. It's surreal thinking of going home.

I was thinking the other day about all I've seen and done over the last year. I'll admit that I'm actually a little bit proud of myself for what I've accomplished. I know it's not as if I did anything that important, but that doesn't change the fact that I was able to live out a trip that I had been dreaming about for years. While I change my mind constantly about other aspects of my life, I knew I had to travel. And I did it. And will probably do more. No chance for regrets for me. I think that's pretty damn cool.

Enough ranting about how much I rock. Ha ha. That was sarcasm don't worry. The woman bedside me at work is talking about how her 4 year old has been stealing tester lipsticks from department stores. Ha ha. It's apparently happened more than once.

Hangover hat getting too heavy. Must go comatose for a while.

Friday, July 21, 2006

So I excitedly went to Boots yesterday to pick up 4 rolls of film that I had sent in to get developed. And turns out that they ruined 2 of them. RUINED!! He was like, I'm sorry about that, then handed me a couple free rolls of film, gift card, and didn't charge me for the 2 they didn't manage to destroy. I was so fucking (sorry but that's appropriate here) upset that I couldn't even complain at the desk because I was that close to bursting out into tears. It may sound stupid but 2 rolls of film is potentially 3 cities. I believe they were Santorini, Paros, and Berlin. How freaking upsetting is that? What do those stupid people at Boots believe, that I have a spare copy of these memories at home? That I can just go back and meet up with the same people, and see the same places? Man I was/am upset. After this rant I am going to find some phone number or email address where I can complain.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Not sure what's up with this computer but the photos may or may not work. Here are a couple from Greece with Hilary and I, one of Sarah and I on Calton hill, and one with a few folks I met in Salzburg.